
Are my crystals real? How can i tell if my crystals are fake? Do you know where your crystals come from? With the ever-growing popularity of crystals there is bound to be some undesirable forces. This brings...
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Ethical Crystals ? Do you know where your crystals come from ? As of 2020 the crystal industry has surpassed the 79-billion-dollar Diamond industry and has continued to grow every year since. We all know of the horrific...
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Moldavite (satins stone) The green rush Moldavite is a forest green, olive green or blue greenish vitreous silica projectile rock formed by a meteorite impact in southern Germany (Nördlinger Ries Crater) that occurred about 15 million years ago, It...
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Agni Manitite is an extremely rare tektite found mainly in Java, Indonesia. Its name is derived from the ancient Sanskrit term “Agni mani”, meaning “pearl of the divine fire”. These tektites were formed when pieces a meteorite crash landed over 800,000 years ago. When these pieces hit the earth it super-heated the surface, liquidizing it into magma, fusing with earth and shooting back up into the atmosphere. Where these pieces rained down from the sky super cooling on the way.
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